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A bifurcation analysis of high-temperature ignition of H2-O2 diffusion flames

Título de la tesis:
A bifurcation analysis of high-temperature ignition of H2-O2 diffusion flames
Sánchez Pérez, Antonio Luis - Liñán Martínez, Amable - Williams, F.A.
Tipo de documento:
E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos (UPM)
Motopropulsión y Termofluidodinámica
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Resumen: The form of the ignition branch for steady, counterflow, hydrogen-oxygen diffusion flames, with dilution permitted in both streams, is investigated for two-step reduced chemistry by methods of bifurcation theory. Attention is restricted to fuel-stream temperatures less than or equal to the oxidizer-stream temperature Tx and to T? larger than or of the order of the crossover temperature Tc at which the rates of production and consumption of H atoms are equal. Two types of solutions are identified, a frozen solution that always exists in this kinetic approximation becaus...

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