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A neural-network method for the analysis of multilayered shielded microwave circuits

Título de la tesis:
A neural-network method for the analysis of multilayered shielded microwave circuits
Pascual García, Juan - Quesada Pereira, Fernando Daniel - Cañete Rebenaque, David - Gómez Tornero, José Luis - Álvarez Melcón, Alejandro
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Palabras clave:
Diseño asistido por ordenador (CAD), Circuitos múltiples, Funciones múltiples de Green, Redes neuronales (NNs), Circuitos impresos, Base radial de función de redes neuronales (RBFNN), Circuitos blindados de microondas
Fecha de la defensa:
In this paper, a neural-network-based method for the analysis of practical multilayered shielded microwave circuits is presented. Using this idea, a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) is trained to approximate the space-domain multilayered media boxed Green?s functions used in the integral-equation (IE) method. Once the RBFNN has been trained, the outputs of the neural network (NN) replace the exact Green?s functions, during the numerical solution of the IE. The computation of the RBFNN output values is very fast in comparison with the numerical methods used to calculate the...

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