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Analysis of the adoption of irrigation technologies under uncertain water availability

Título de la tesis:
Analysis of the adoption of irrigation technologies under uncertain water availability
Escribano Vicente, María Jesús - Calatrava Leyva, Javier
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Palabras clave:
Tecnología de riego, Riesgo, Disponibilidad de agua, Adopción
Fecha de la defensa:
This paper analyses the adoption process of water-conserving irrigation technologies by a risk averse farmer in a context of uncertain water availability. Firstly, it is analytically shown that the increase in water efficiency that the new technology allows results in a decrease in the cost of the effective irrigation water applied, as well as in an increase in both effective water applied and crop production. It is also concluded that the optimal amount of irrigation water applied depends on individual risk preferences of the producer, on the variance and asymmetry of the cost of water applie...

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