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Chromosomal location and expression of genes encoding low molecular weight proteins in wheat and related species

Título de la tesis:
Chromosomal location and expression of genes encoding low molecular weight proteins in wheat and related species
García Olmedo, Francisco - Carbonero Zalduegui, Pilar - Salcedo Duran, Gabriel - Aragoncillo Ballesteros, Cipriano - Hernandez Lucas, Carlos - Paz Ares, Javier - Ponz Ascaso, Fernando
Tipo de documento:
Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada (Artículo)
E.T.S.I. Agrónomos (UPM)
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Resumen: A review of recent work on the chromosomal location and expression of genes encoding moderately abundant, presumably non-storage endosperm proteins from wheat, barley and rye is presented. Related aspects, such as regulatory genetic effects, in vivo and in vitro synthesis, types of processing, deposition sites, and molecular cloning are also discussed. The relevance of these studies in connection with basic endosperm biology, genetic manipulation of quality and agronomic traits, and the evolution of these important crops is briefly emphasized. ...

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