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Coulomb's theory of arches in Spain ca. 1800: the manuscript of Joaquín Monasterio

Título de la tesis:
Coulomb's theory of arches in Spain ca. 1800: the manuscript of Joaquín Monasterio
Albuerne Rodríguez, Alejandra - Huerta Fernández, Santiago - Profesor S. Huerta
Tipo de documento:
Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada (Artículo)
E.T.S. Arquitectura (UPM)
Estructuras de Edificación
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Resumen: The Spanish engineer Joaquín Monasterio wrote a 'New theory on the thrust of vaults' between 1805-1810. It was the first application of Coulomb's theory of vaults, which he outlined in 1773. The memoir by Monasterio is remarkable also for its generality and originality. He was, for example the first to calculate correctly the mathematical limit thickness of a semicircular arch and to tackle the problem of the limit analysis of domes. The memoire has remained unpublished and unknown until recently. The purpose of this paper is to call the attention to a contribution which merits an honourabl...

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