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Distribution, population dynamics and habitat selection of small mammals in Mediterranean environments: the role of climate, vegetation structure, and predation risk

Título de la tesis:
Distribution, population dynamics and habitat selection of small mammals in Mediterranean environments: the role of climate, vegetation structure, and predation risk
Torre Corominas, Ignasi
Tipo de documento:
Tesis (Doctoral)
Biologia Animal
Palabras clave:
Hàbitats mediterranis, Mamífers
Fecha de la defensa:
Tesis dirigida por: Díaz Esteban, Mario

Resumen: The main objectives of this thesis were to analyse the relative roles of food availability and predation on the distribution, population dynamics and habitat selection of small mammals in Mediterranean areas of the Iberian Peninsula. Main results and conclusions Composition and abundance of small mammals communities can be completely ascertained by using two indirect methods of small mammals sampling, genet scats and barn owl pellets. Both methods reported all the small mammals species known to be present in the study area. Genet scats were used for the first time to study the compo...

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