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Experimental investigation on heat transfer and frictional characteristics of wire coils inserts in transition flows at different Prandtl number

Título de la tesis:
Experimental investigation on heat transfer and frictional characteristics of wire coils inserts in transition flows at different Prandtl number
García Pinar, Alberto - Vicente Quiles, Pedro Ginés - Viedma Robles, Antonio
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Palabras clave:
Termohidráulica, Flujos turbulentos, Número de Reynolds, Turbulencias inducidas por corrientes, Número Prandtl, Transferencia de calor, Thermohydraulics, Turbulent flows, Reynolds number, Turbulence induced currents, Prandtl number, Heat transfer
Fecha de la defensa:
Helical-wire-coils inserted in a round tube have been experimentally studied in other to obtain their thermohydraulic behaviour in laminar, transition and turbulent flows. Using water and propylene glycol mixtures at different concentrations, a wide range of flow conditions was covered: Reynolds Number from 100 to 90 000 and Prandtl number from 2.8 to 200. Six Wire coil insets were tested, with a geometric range of helical pitch 1.17 less than p/e less than 33 and helix angle 30º less than infinity less than 53º. Wire coils were tightly attached to the inner tube surface. Experimental correlat...

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