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Framework for the analysis and design of encryption strategies based on discrete-time chaotic dynamical systems

Título de la tesis:
Framework for the analysis and design of encryption strategies based on discrete-time chaotic dynamical systems
Arroyo Guardeño, David - Álvarez Marañón, Gonzalo - Pastor Dégano, Gerardo
Tipo de documento:
Tesis (Doctoral)
E.T.S.I. Agrónomos (UPM)
Física y Mecánica Fundamental, Aplicada a la Ingeniería Agroforestal
Palabras clave:
chaos, cryptography, chaotic cryptography, chaos-based cryptography, cryptanalysis, entropy, wavelets, symbolic dynamics, order patterns, unimodal maps
Fecha de la defensa:
28 Julio 2009-01-01
Tesis dirigida por: Álvarez Marañón, Gonzalo

Resumen: Since 1990s chaotic dynamical systems have been widely used to design new strategies to encrypt information. Indeed, the dependency to initial conditions and control parameters, along with the ergodicity of their temporal evolution allow the establishment of chaos as the base of new cryptosystems, i.e., of new schemes of confusion and diffusion of information. However, an optimum design in the context of chaos-based cryptography demands a thorough knowledge not only of the foundations of cryptography, but also of the dynamics and inner structure of chaos. Therefore, any proposal to use chaos i...

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