Free convection from a point source of heat, and heat transfer from spheres at small Grashof numbers
Título de la tesis:
Free convection from a point source of heat, and heat transfer from spheres at small Grashof numbers
Kurdyumov, V. - Liñán Martínez, Amable
Tipo de documento:
E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos (UPM)
Motopropulsión y Termofluidodinámica
Palabras clave:
Heat conduction; Heat transfer; Heating; Laminar flow; Nusselt number; Prandtl number; Spheres; Grashof numbers; Laminar flow Nusselt number; Natural convection; convection; particle; sphere
Fecha de la defensa:
Resumen: A numerical description, based on the Boussinesq equations, is given for the steady free convection ¯ow due to a point source of heat and heated spheres. We begin with the non-dimensional formulation of the problem for the point source giving the numerical solution for a wide range of values of the Prandtl number, the remaining parameter. The analytical description of the temperature and ¯ow ®elds close to the point source includes constants that are evaluated numerically and are used to obtain the ¯ow ®eld around heated spheres for small Grashof numbers, and the correction of the Nusselt numb...