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Geochemistry of Persististrombus latus Gmelin from the Pleistocene Iberian Mediterranean realm

Título de la tesis:
Geochemistry of Persististrombus latus Gmelin from the Pleistocene Iberian Mediterranean realm
Torres Pérez-Hidalgo, Trinidad José
Tipo de documento:
E.T.S.I. Minas (UPM)
Ingeniería Geológica
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Junio 2010-01-01
Resumen: In this paper the organic and inorganic geochemistry of fossil and extant Persististrombus latus are compared, together with other strombid species (Lentigo lentiginosus, Lobatus gigas, Strombus alatus, Lobatus raninus, Laevistrombus canarium and Tricornis latissimus). Using a large sample of well-preserved fossil P. latus shells from the Mediterranean realm, we examined the warming period of sea water in the Middle Pleistocene. A mineralogical study of the shells demonstrates the continuous presence of calcite and a complex organic matter distribution, which was well ...

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