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La interpretación de los derechos fundamentales por parte del Tribunal Constitucional

Título de la tesis:
La interpretación de los derechos fundamentales por parte del Tribunal Constitucional
Galán Juárez, Mercedes
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
This article deals with one of the mayor issues in legal philosophy, that is to say the interpretation of the law, and more precisely, the interpretation of rules of human rights contained in the Spanish Constitution. There are two central questions which are connected: The first is why it is necessary to interpret the rules of human rights and the second is how to interpret those rules so that the result will lead to the main purpose of the legal reasoning: to search for a just solution. My thesis is that legal interpretation of human rights includes far more than a pure and mechanical appli...

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