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Large Scale Excitations in Disordered Systems

Título de la tesis:
Large Scale Excitations in Disordered Systems
Sales i Pardo, Marta
Tipo de documento:
Tesis (Doctoral)
Física Fonamental
Palabras clave:
Mètodes numèrics, Sistemes aleatoris, Vidres d'espí
Fecha de la defensa:
Tesis dirigida por: Ritort Farran, Felix

Resumen: Disorder is present in many systems in nature and in many different versions. For instance, the dislocations of a crystal lattice, or the randomness of the interaction between magnetic moments. One of the most studied examples is that of spin glasses because they are simple to model but keep most of the very complex features that many disordered systems have. The frustration of the ground state configuration is responsible for the existence of a gap less spectrum of excitations and a rugged and complex free-energy landscape which bring about a very slow relaxation towards the equilibrium state...

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