Título de la tesis:
Listas KBM2L para la síntesis de conocimiento en sistemas de ayuda a la decisión
Fernández del Pozo de Salamanca, Juan Antonio - Bielza Lozoya, Concha - Juan Antonio Fernández del Pozo de Salamanca
Tipo de documento:
Tesis (Doctoral)
Facultad de Informática (UPM)
Inteligencia Artificial
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
24 Noviembre 2006-01-01
Tesis dirigida por: Bielza Lozoya, Concha
Resumen: The implementation, evaluation and exploitation of Decision Support Systems by means of Bayesian Networks and Influence Diagrams, among other reasoning models, imply the use of tables with diversified information. Among them we focus on the conditional probability tables that represent the probabilistic relationships among variables and the tables of the optimal decisions resulting from the model evaluation. The tables, that can be very complex, include structured knowledge from the application domains over a set of variables of the probabilistic graphical model.
Under the name of KBM2L w...