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Nearly inviscid Faraday waves in containers with broken symmetry

Título de la tesis:
Nearly inviscid Faraday waves in containers with broken symmetry
Higuera Torron, Maria Jesus - Knobloch, Edgar - Vega de Prada, José Manuel
Tipo de documento:
Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada (Artículo)
E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos (UPM)
Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Tecnología Aeronáutica
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Resumen: In the weakly inviscid regime parametrically driven surface gravity-capillary waves generate oscillatory viscous boundary layers along the container walls and the free surface. Through nonlinear rectification these generate Reynolds stresses which drive a streaming flow in the nominally inviscid bulk; this flow in turn advects the waves responsible for the boundary layers. The resulting system is described by amplitude equations coupled to a Navier-Stokes-like equation for the bulk streaming flow, with boundary conditions obtained by matching to the boundary layers, and represents a novel type...

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