Título de la tesis:
ODEWiki: A Semantic Wiki That Interoperates with the ODESeW Semantic Portal
Siles, A. - López-Cima, A. - Corcho, Óscar - Gómez-Pérez, A.
Tipo de documento:
Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada (Artículo)
Facultad de Informática (UPM)
Inteligencia Artificial
Palabras clave:
oeg, Semantic Wiki, ODEWiki
Fecha de la defensa:
Junio 2008-01-01
Resumen: We present ODEWiki, a technology for the development of Semantic Wikis, which has a combined set of added-value features over other existing semantic wikis in the state of the art. Namely, ODEWiki interoperates with an existing semantic portal technology (ODESeW), it manages inconsistencies raised because of the distributed nature of knowledge base development and maintenance, it uses RDFa for the annotation of the resulting wiki pages, it follows a WYSIWYG approach, and it allows decoupling wiki pages and ontology instances, that is, a wiki page may contain one or several ontology instances. ...