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OntoTag?s linguistic ontologies as a reference for semantic web annotations

Título de la tesis:
OntoTag?s linguistic ontologies as a reference for semantic web annotations
Aguado de Cea, G. - Álvarez-de-Mon, I. - Pareja-Lora, A.
Tipo de documento:
Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada (Artículo)
Facultad de Informática (UPM)
Inteligencia Artificial
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Mayo 2004-01-01
Resumen: Following the road in-between purely linguistic annotation and solely ontology-based annotation for the Semantic Web, a hybrid (ontological and linguistic) model and platform, called OntoTag, has been created, aiming at better machine comunication, interoperability and language understanding: these capabilities are divided from the incorporation into the platform of a set of linguisitic ontologies, the aim topic of this demostration, which are the main referent for the generation of multi-leveled and standardized annotations of the Semantic Web documents within OntoTag....

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