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Personal eBanking Solutions Based on Semantic Web Services

Título de la tesis:
Personal eBanking Solutions Based on Semantic Web Services
Corcho, Óscar - Losada, S. - Benjamins, R. - Bas, JL. - Bellido, S. - Lu, Jie - Ruan, Da - Zhang, Guangquan
Tipo de documento:
Sección de Libro
Facultad de Informática (UPM)
Inteligencia Artificial
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Noviembre 2006-01-01
Resumen: We describe how Semantic Web Service technology can be used for the provision of personal e-banking online services. We describe two deployed applications: an overdraft notification service and a mortgage comparison service. The former accesses the bank accounts of a user as well as utility goods Web sites where invoicing information is stored and estimates whether the user will be in an overdraft situation in the near future, alerting him/her by e-mail or SMS. The latter accesses the mortgage information provided by the heterogeneous Web sites of different banks and allows users to compare th...

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