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Printed-circuit leaky-wave antenna with pointing and illumination flexibility

Título de la tesis:
Printed-circuit leaky-wave antenna with pointing and illumination flexibility
Gómez Tornero, José Luis - Cañete Rebenaque, David - Álvarez Melcón, Alejandro
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Palabras clave:
Antena de fuga de ondas, Antena de ondas milimétricas
Fecha de la defensa:
A novel leaky-wave antenna, based on a periodic set of slots printed on a rectangular dielectric waveguide is conceived in this work. The antenna presents the ability to independently control the aperture illumination and the pointing direction, by only modifying the photoetched printed-circuit layout. The working mechanism is described using a leaky-mode dispersion analysis, and cosine-tapered designs are performed at 50 GHz. The radiation patterns are obtained using HFSS analysis to check the reduction of sidelobes levels, and the capacity to tune the pointing direction over a wide ...

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