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Reference Ontology and (ONTO)2 Agent: The Ontology Yellow pages

Título de la tesis:
Reference Ontology and (ONTO)2 Agent: The Ontology Yellow pages
Arpirez, J.C. - Gómez-Pérez, A. - Lozano-Tello, A. - Andrade, HS. - Pinto, NP.
Tipo de documento:
Facultad de Informática (UPM)
Inteligencia Artificial
Palabras clave:
Fecha de la defensa:
Resumen: Knowledge reuse by means of ontologies faces three important problems at present: (1) there are no standardized identifying features that characterize ontologies from the user point of view; (2) there are no web sites using the same logical organization, presenting relevant information about ontologies; and (3) the search for appropriate ontologies is hard, time-consuming and usually fruitless. To solve the above problems, we present: (1) a living set of features that allow us to characterize ontologies from the user point of view and have the same logical organization; (2) a living domain ont...

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