Remote monitoring and automatic analysis of phonocardiographic signals in climbing of high mountains
Título de la tesis:
Remote monitoring and automatic analysis of phonocardiographic signals in climbing of high mountains
Gómez de León Hijes, Félix Cesáreo - Martínez Cabeza de Vaca Alajarín, Juan - López Candel, José - Ruiz Merino, Ramón Jesús - Marin Morales, Roque Luis
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Palabras clave:
Escalada de alta montaña, Déficit de oxigeno, Hemodinámica, Fonocardiografía, Datos pulsométricos, Hipoxia, Climbing of high mountains, Deficit of oxygen, Hemodynamics, Phonocardiographic (PCG), Pulseoxymetric data, Hypoxia, High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE), Edema pulmonar de altura elevada
Fecha de la defensa:
The climbing of high mountains, like the Himalayas,
comes accompanied, as result of the deficit of oxygen, of
certain changes of the hemodynamics, that can derive
sometimes in High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE).
With the objective to analyze the cardiological effects
of that hemodynamics changes, a satellite monitoring of
phonocardiographic (PCG) signals and pulseoxymetric
data of a mountain climber was made during the
development of the climbing to the Broad Peak, of 8,047
meters, located in the mountain range of the Karakorum,
in Pakistan.
Using an electronic estethoscope, signa...