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Robotized system for retrieving fallen objects within the reactor vessel of a nuclear power plant (PWR)

Título de la tesis:
Robotized system for retrieving fallen objects within the reactor vessel of a nuclear power plant (PWR)
Iborra García, Andrés José - Álvarez Torres, Bárbara - Navarro Lorente, Pedro Javier - Fernández Meroño, José María - Pastor Franco, Juan Ángel
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Palabras clave:
Teleoperadores, Sistemas robotizados, Planta de energía nuclear, Sistema TRON
Fecha de la defensa:
This paper presents an original teleoperated and robotized system (TRON) designed for retrieving foreign objects within lower internals of the reactor vessels at nuclear power plants (PWR). For performing these operations, the system does not require that the lower internals have to he retrieved or the fuel assemblies unloaded. The remote handler device is an articulated pole for accessing to the lower internals from the lower core plate. This cylindrical pole is capable to reach the 90% of the horizontal surface below the core barrel. In order to carry out such mission, the TRON system mu...

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