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The UJI online robot: a distributed architecture for pattern recognition, autonomous grasping and augmented reality

Título de la tesis:
The UJI online robot: a distributed architecture for pattern recognition, autonomous grasping and augmented reality
Marin Prades, Raul
Tipo de documento:
Tesis (Doctoral)
Departament d'Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors
Palabras clave:
Online Robots, Internet, Network Robots, Human-Robot Interfaces, Telelaboratories, Object Recognition, Grasping Determination, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality
Fecha de la defensa:
Tesis dirigida por: Sanz Valero, Pedro. J.

Resumen: The thesis has been developed at the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory of the University Jaume I (Spain). The objectives are focused on the laboratory’s interest fields, which are Telerobotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Manipulation, Visual Servoing, and Service Robotics in general. Basically, the work has consisted of designing and implementing a whole vision based robotic system to control an educational robot via web, by using voice commands like "Grasp the object one" or "Grasp the cube". Our original objectives were upgraded to include the possibility of programming the robot using high lev...

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