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Coupled Amplitude-Streaming Flow Equations for Nearly Inviscid Faraday Waves in Small Aspect Ratio Containers

Título de la tesis:
Coupled Amplitude-Streaming Flow Equations for Nearly Inviscid Faraday Waves in Small Aspect Ratio Containers
Higuera Torron, Maria Jesus - Vega de Prada , José Manuel - Knobloch, Edgar
Tipo de documento:
E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos (UPM)
Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Tecnología Aeronáutica
Palabras clave:
vibrating flows, amplitude equations, streaming flow, mean flow, Faraday waves, mode interaction
Fecha de la defensa:
Resumen: We derive a set of asymptotically exact coupled amplitude-streaming flow ({CASF}) equations governing the evolution of weakly nonlinear nearly inviscid multimode Faraday waves and the associated streaming flow in finite geometries. The streaming flow is found to play a particularly important role near mode interactions. Such interactions come about either through a suitable choice of parameters or through breaking of degeneracy among modes related by symmetry. An example of the first case is provided by the interaction of two nonaxisymmetric modes in a circular container with different azimuth...

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