Dynamics of counterpropagating waves in parametrically driven systems: dispersion vs. advection
Título de la tesis:
Dynamics of counterpropagating waves in parametrically driven systems: dispersion vs. advection
Martel, Carlos - Knobloch, Edgar - Vega de Prada , José Manuel
Tipo de documento:
E.T.S.I. Aeronáuticos (UPM)
Fundamentos Matemáticos de la Tecnología Aeronáutica
Palabras clave:
Parametric resonance; Counterpropagating waves; Weak dispersion; Faraday waves
Fecha de la defensa:
Enero 2003-01-01
Resumen: The dynamics of parametrically driven counterpropagating waves in a one-dimensional extended nearly conservative annular system are described by two coupled, damped, parametrically driven nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equations with opposite transport terms due to the group velocity, and small dispersion. The system is characterized by two length scales defined by a balance between (a) forcing and dispersion (the dispersive scale), and (b) forcing and advection at the group velocity (the transport scale). Both are large compared to the basic wavelength of the pattern. The dispersive scale plays ...