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Groups generated by two bicyclic units in integral group rings

Título de la tesis:
Groups generated by two bicyclic units in integral group rings
Eric, Jespers - Río Mateos, Ángel, del - Ruiz Marín, Manuel
Tipo de documento:
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Palabras clave:
Bicylic units, Bass cyclic units, Structure of the group, Dihedral group, Unidades bicíclicas, Unidades cíclicas de Bass, Estructura de grupo, Grupo diédrico
Fecha de la defensa:
In [5] Ritter and Sehgal introduced the following units, called the bicylic units, in the unit group U(ZG) of the integral group ring ZG of a finite group G: ¯a;g = 1 + (1 ¡ g)abg; °a;g = 1 + bga(1 ¡ g); where a; g 2 G and bg is the sum of all the elements in the cyclic group hgi. It has been shown that these units generate a large part of the unit group of ZG. Indeed, for most finite groups G, the bicyclic units together with the Bass cyclic units generate a subgroup of finite index in U(ZG) [3, 6]. The Bass cyclic units are only needed to cover a subgroup of finite index in the centre...

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